CBSE Board Question Papers Commerce (Delhi) Class – 10th (2010)

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CBSE Board Question Papers

Subject- Commerce

Class – 10th (2010)

Any one of the following areas can be offered :

  1. Elements of Business.
  2. Elements of Book – Keeping and Accountancy.
  3. Typewriting (Theory) English or Hindi

(Max. Time: 2 Hours. And Max Marks: 25)

General Instructions:

  1. Attempt all questions
  2. Do not write anything in the question paper
  3. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.
  4. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.
  5. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
  6. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.

Elements of Business

  1. (a) Why is a business establishment divided into different
    Departments? Explain. (5 Marks)
    (b) what is ‘vertical filing ‘ ? Explain. (5 Marks)
    (c) What are the main objectives of an office ? Explain. (5 Marks)
    (d) List the main advantages of card Index. (5 Marks)
    1. (a) what is a business letter ? Explain any five qualities of a good business letter.(10 Marks)
      (b) Write a Complaint letter to Birla Whit Cement of Rajasthan regarding the short supply of quantity in 1000 cement bags purchased last week. (10 Marks)
      1. (a) Enumerate the long term sources of fiancé of business of organizations. (10 Marks)
        (b) What is meant by borrowed funds ? Explain any three (5 Marks)
        (c) What are the main functions of a stock exchange ? Explain. (5 Marks)
        (d) Give any five merits of ownership funds. (5 Marks)
        1. (a) Explain briefly any two of the following : (5 Marks)

          (i) A.T.M (ii) Debit Card (iii) Credit Card

        2. (a) Explain briefly the different methods of granting loans by a Banks. (5 Marks)
          (b) You want to open a current account in State Bank of India of your locality. Explain briefly the procedure; you will follow to open the account. (5 Marks)
          (c) what is Bank Draft ? Why is it drawn? By whom and on whom is drawn ? (5 Marks)
        3. (a) What is meant by Negotiable Instruments ? What are their characteristics ? Explain. (5 Marks)
          (b) What is meat by Bills of Exchange? Give any three differences between Bills of Exchange and promissory Notes. (2+3=5 Marks)
          (c ) Give any five reasons for dishonoring of cheque. (5 Marks)
          (d ) Differentiate between crossing and endorsement of a cheque. (5 Marks)

        Elements of Book (Keeping and Accountancy)

        1. prepare Final Accounts of Ayodhya Traders for the year ending 31st March 2009 from the following balances and the given adjustments :


        Particulars Rs . Particulars Rs .
        Interest Received
        Bills Payable
        Opening Stock
        Bank Overdraft
        Carriage Inwards
        Traveling Expenses
        Return Outwards
        Return inwards


          (i) change depreciation on machinery at 10 % p.a.
          (ii) Traveling expenses include Rs 1,200 for 2009-10.
          (iii) Repairs due Rs. 300.
          (iv) Debtors were bad to the extent of Rs 6,000.
          (v) Create a provision for doubtful debts @ 5%.
          (vi) Stock on 31st march 2009 stood at s. 14,200. (20 Marks)

        1. (a) What is bank Reconciliation Statement ? How is it prepared? 8 Explain giving suitable examples(8 Marks) .
          (b) From the following particulars ascertain the bank balance as per passbook of Mr. Tarachand as at 31st March, 2009.

        (i) credit balance as per case book on 31st March 2009 was Rs. 30,000.
        (ii) Interest charged by bank upto 31st March 2009 Rs. 1000 is recorded in a passbook only.
        (iii) Bank charges Rs. 250 were not recorded in the case book.
        (iv) cheques paid into bank Rs. 12,500 on 29.3.2009 have not yet been credited by the bank .
        (v) Cheque issued for Rs. 30,000 have not yet been presented for payment.
        (vi) Divided collected directly by bank Rs 9,000 has not been entered in cash book. (12 Marks)

        1. (a) Differentiate between Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes on the basis of

          (i) parties
          (ii) Nature
          (iii) Acceptance
          (iv) Liability and
          (v) Number of copies. (10 Marks)

          (b) on 1*January 2010, Abhay sold goods to Binay of the value of Rs. 1,00,000 and drew upon him a bill at two months for the amount. Binay accepted the draft. On due date, he expressed his inability to meet the bill and offered to pay the full about within three days with interest rs 1000. The proposal was accepted and abount was paid in time. Pass journal entries in the books of abhay and Binay. (10 Marks)

        1. (a) Explain the meaning of errors of omission and errors of compensating .Give three examples of each. (8 Marks)
          (b) Rectify the following errors found in the books of chakaleshwar & sons :

        (i) purchases of rs. 5,000 from Devdass on credit were recorded in purchases book as rs 50 only.
        (ii) An amount of rs 25,000 paid to Shrinath was wrongly debited to Hairnet ‘s A/C.
        (iii) Furniture was written off by Rs. 1,000has not been posted toatio. depreciation A/C.
        (iv) Goods sold for Rs. 2,380 were posted to sales A/C as Rs.2,830.
        (v) Is war Dass a customer has deposited Rs. 2,500 in the bank directly in the name of chakaleshwar but no entry so far has passed anywhere in his books.
        (vi)Accountant deposited fee Rs. 40,000 of his son being a student of Engineering. But entry was made as miscellaneous expenses paid. (10 Marks)

        1. (a) Explain the need for providing deprecation on fixed assets with examples.(8 Marks)
          (b) On 1.7.2007, Mangol Ltd. Purchased a machine for Rs. 2,50,000 A part of machinery which was purchased for Rs. 20,000 on 1st July 2007, become obsolete and was disposed off for Rs. 2,000 on 1st October, 2009 Depreciation is charged @ 10% annually on written down value. Show machinery A/C for the years 2007 ,2008 and 2009. The books are closed on 31st December every year. (12 Marks)

        Typewriting (Theory) English /Hindi

        1. Explain briefly the functions of any five of the following parts of a type writer: (5 Marks)

        (i) Variable line spacer
        (ii) Shift lock
        (iii) Space bar
        (iv) Shift key
        (v) Platen
        (vi) Bichrome switch
        (vii) Letter keys

        1. Give standard abbreviation for the following .(any five):

          (i) Demi –official
          (ii) Centimeter
          (iii) Singned
          (iv) Cost insurance and freight
          (v) Please trun over
          (vi) Office order
          (vii) Value payable post

          How many spaces will you leave before and after while typing the following punctuation marks ? (any five):

        (i) colon
        (ii) Hyphen
        (iii) Full stop
        (iv) Comma
        (v) Semicolon
        (vi) Sign of plus (+)
        (vii) Sign of exclamation (5 Marks)

          1. Give proof correction signs for the following :(5 Marks)

          (i) centralize the heading
          (ii) equalize spacing
          (iii) Begin new paragraph immediately after bracket sign
          (iv) Insert hyphen
          (v) Omit

          1. (a) What precautions should be taken while cutting stencil on a type – writer ? (3 Marks)
            (c) What for are the following used : (2 Marks)

            (i) correcting fluid
            (ii) stylus pen

          2. Explain in brief any two of the following : (5 Marks)

            (i) Difference between shift key and shift lock.
            (iii) Typing a tabulator statement.
            (iv) Fixing margins on a type paper