CBSE Board Sample Paper Economics Class 12th (2011) Set-1

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CBSE Sample Paper- 2011

Class- XII

Subject – Economics

Time: 3 Hrs                                                           M.Marks: 100


i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. ‘One’ mark questions are to be answered in about a sentence.
iii. Three marks questions are to be answered in approx. 60 words.
iv. Four marks questions are to be answered in approx. 80 words.
v. Six marks questions are to be answered in approx.120 words.
vi. Word limits do not apply to numerical questions.

Section – A

1. Define the term Marginal rate of Transformation.                                                                       1

2. Name the market situation in which the AR and MR curve are more than unit elastic?              1

3. Define the term Oligopoly.                                                                                                           1

4. Define marginal revenue.                                                                                                              1

5. What do returns to scale refer to?                                                                                                1

6. What will happen to the equilibrium price for a commodity if there is an excess demand of the commodity? Explain with a schedule.      3

7. Explain the feature ‘Differentiated products’ of a market with monopolistic competition?         3

8. Explain with the help of a diagram the situations of inefficient and efficient utilization of resources of an economy.                                3

9. When does consumer demand same at less price OR more price?                                                   3

10. Explain the central problem of ‘for whom to produce’ with the help of an example.                  3

11. Explain the relationship between TR and MR with the help of a revenue schedule.?                  4

12. State true/false with reason:

            (a) Demand curve always slope downwards.

            (b) If there is single consumer in the market then, individual demand curve will be same as the market demand curve.                      4

13. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for a commodity when its price rises from Rs40 to Rs70 and its demand falls by 50%.                   4

14. What are ‘other things remaining constant’ in Law of Demand? What changes one can see in demand curve if these – other things are not constant?          6

15. Distinguish between perfect competition and monopoly .Why is the demand curve facing a firm under perfect competition perfectly elastic?            6

16. How much quantity of a good will be purchased by a consumer at a given market to maximise her satisfaction? Explain with the help of a utility schedule.     6

Section- B

1. When does a situation of deficient demand arise in an economy?                           1

2. What is consumption function?                                                                                 1

3. How marginal propensity to save is related to investment multiplier?                       1

4. Define revenue deficit in Govt. Budget                                                                     1

5. Name the specific determinants of market demand function.                                    1

6. With the help of suitable diagram explain the concept of inflationary gap.               3

7. How does the following effect the demand curve of the commodity “Income of consumer changes when he is consuming normal good”.                3

8. Distinguish between GDP and GNP. When does GDP exceed GNP?                              3

9. Distinguish between balance of payments on current account and balance of payments on capital account.                      3

10. State 3 merits of a flexible exchange rate system.                                                      3

11. Explain the ‘bankers bank’ and ‘supervisor’ function of Central bank.                      4

12. Define fiscal deficit. How is it different to revenue deficit?                                      4

13. When will there be a situation of deficient demand in an economy? State any two measures to correct it.                       4

14. Explain the meaning of equilibrium level of income and output with the help of saving and investment curves. If planned expenditure is less than planned output, what changes will take place in the economy?                                 6

15. Explain how money is a better substitute to barter system as a common medium of exchange and a standard of deferred payments?                 6

16. What are the functions of commercial bank?                                                               6

  « Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Orissa Vedanta University, Puri, Orissa »  

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