CBSE Bakery Science Theory Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                      Code No. 177


                                                                               BAKERY SCIENCE

The allowed : 2 hours                                                                                          Maximum Marks :40

Instructions :   Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.



1. What is ropiness of bread ? Write the cause and prevention of it in bread.    4 + 4

2. (a)    What is the reason of bread staling ?                                   4
    (b)    How do “improvers” improve the quality of bread ?                    4


3. What is bakery layout ? How would you decide the location of bakery and the space required for bakery equipments ?                                  2 + 6

4. Enlist “types of ovens” used in bakery. Discuss the working of any two.                  4 + 4


5. Write brief notes on the following :                                       4 x 2
(a)    Quality of raw material for cookies
(b)    Finished quality of cake
(c)    Quality control of dough for bread
(d)    Role of emulsifier in bread