CBSE Ophthalmic Techniques Theory Paper – 3 Theory Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                      Code No. 139

                                                                            OPHTHALMIC TECHNIQUES
                                                                                  (Theory) Paper III

Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                        Maximum Marks : 30

Instructions : Attempt all questions.

1. (i) Describe the types, symptoms and principles of management of myopia.    5
   (ii) Describe the principles of keratometry and its use.    5


2. Describe briefly the following :
(i) Optical condition and diagnosis of aphakia.    5
(ii) Causes of vision impairment and blindness in India.    5


3. Write short notes on :
  (i) Anisometropia    4
(ii) Standardisation of shapes and measurements of ophthalmic lens    3
(iii) Fusing bifocal lenses    3