CBSE Board Guess Paper Informatics Practices Class XII – 2010 [Set-1]

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CBSE Board Guess Paper – 2010

Class – XII

Informatics Practices

Section – A          35 Marks

Q-1 Answer the following questions:                                                     15

a) What is the significance of Object modeling? What tool can be used for object modeling?    2

b) Write difference between Fix() and Int() functions.           2

c) Differentiate between OSS and FLOSS.                                1

d) Explain the concept of client server architecture?              2

e) What is Data mining? Name two techniques used in Data Mining.                2

f) Write a VB program to obtain the reverse of a number.       2

g) Mention the limitations of Simple loop ? how to make simple loop as finite loop ?  2

h) Write short Notes on- i) PHP             ii) Python                     2  

Q2. Underline the errors in the following VB programs and re-write the corrected code:    4

a) num=10

For i=1 to num step -1

If i % 2 = 0 then

Display i

Exit If

Next i

b) i=1


While (i =< 10)



Exit while

Print sum

Q-3 Answer the following in Respect of VB programming language.

a) What is looping? Name the loops supported by VB.                    2

b) What are parameters? What are actual parameters and formal parameters?          2

c) What is module? Explain the various types of module in VB. Also write the extension of each and extension VB project and VB form.                    3

d) How the library function is different from the user defined function. Explain with help of example.     3

Q4. a) Explain the concept of Dynamic arrays with suitable examples.              2

b) Write a VB function that calculates the factorial of a number passed as a parameter to the function and prints the result in the calling procedure.          2

c) What is ADO data control? To whom you can connect this?             2

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