CBSE Food And Beverage Services – 2 Paper- 3 Theory Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                             Code No. 172

                                                                      FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES II
                                                                                  (Theory) Paper III

Instructions : Attempt all questions.

1. (a) What is a restaurant ?
    (b) Describe the basic etiquette expected of a restaurant staff.    3+7


2. What are the essentials of a cover for table d’hote menu ? Suggest a five course continental menu for table d’hote.                 7+3


3. What are the different types of wines ? With what food is each of the wines usually served ?    5+5


4. (a) What is K.O.T. ? What is its purpose ?
    (b) What is a cocktail ? How is it made ? Give one example.    5+5