Jharkhand Board Question Paper (Biology, Geology, Computer Science) Class XII

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BIOLOGY - 2007 (A)


(Optional) - Science

Full Marks –35                                                    Time – 1(1/2) Hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

The candidates are required to write both Group number and Question number with every answer.

Instructions :
This question paper consists of four Groups, i.e., A, B, C and D. All Groups are compulsory.

                                                                                    Group – A                                                   1×3=3

1. Name the first stable product of C3 pathway in Photosynthesis.

2. Name the scientist who discovered the process of fertilization.

3. Name the molecule known as the ‘‘Scissors’’ of genetic engineering.

                                                                                    Group – B                                                    2×5=10

4. Define ‘respiratory quotient’.

5. Name the metal ion that affects the process of transpiration.

6. What is parthenocarpy ?

7. Define ‘heterosis’.

8. Write the full form of IPM.

                                                                                   Group – C                                                     3×4=12

9. Explain the theory of ‘‘Cellular Totipotency’’.

10. What is somatic hybridization ? Mention some of its uses.

11. Write a note on water potential.

12. What is Kranz anatomy ?

                                                                                    Group – D                                                    5×2=10

13. Give the schematic representation of Glycolysis.

14. Explain the bioassay of Auxin.

GEOLOGY - 2007 (A)

(Optional) - Science

Full Marks –70                                                    Time – 3 Hours

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.Figures in the margin indicate full marks.

The candidates are required to write both Group number and Question number with every answer.

Instructions :
This question paper consists of four Groups, i.e., A, B, C and D. All Groups are compulsory.

Group – A

                                                                            (Objective-type Questions)

Fill in the blanks :                                                                                                                       1×10=10

1. Lamellibranchs are characterised by valves of ………………size.

2. Trilobites became extinct at the end of ……………….

3. Bauxite is an ore of ……………….

4. Synite is a ……………………rock.

5. Sandstone is a …………………rock.

6. The age of the earth is ……………………million years.

7. Dyke is an ……………………structure.

8. Chalcopyrite is the ore of ……………….

9. Coal is found mostly in …………………formation.

10. Diamond in India is found in ……………………super group rocks.

Group – B

(Short-Answer type Questions)

Answer all questions :                                                                                                                   3×10=30

11. Distinguish between Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks.

12. Differentiate between Ore and Tenor.

13. Distinguish between Sills and Dykes.

14. Write any three important Sedimentary Structures.

15. How are fossils formed in nature ?

16. How are alluvial placer deposits formed ?

17. Explain the significance of the study of Stratigraphy.

18. What are index fossils ? Give two examples.

19. Describe the economic significance of Vindhyan rocks.

20. Write the different processes of mineral deposit formation.

Group – C

(Long-Answer type Questions)

Answer all questions :                                                                                                                   6×5=30

21. Describe the Supergene Sulphide Enrichment Process.

22. Describe the mode of occurrence, distribution and uses of Mica deposit with respect to Jharkhand State.

23. Write petrographic notes on any three of the following :
      (a) Quartzite
      (b) Limestone
      (c) Pegmatite
      (d) Conglomerate.

24. Give an account of morphological features of either Lamellibranchia or Trilobita group of fossils.

25. Describe the lithology, distribution and economic significance of either Archaeon or Gondwana supergroup rocks with reference to Jharkhand State.


(Optional) – Science/Commerce

Full Marks –70                                                    Time – 3 Hours

All the questions are compulsory.

Figures in the margin indicate full marks. The candidates are required to write Question number with every answer.

1. (a) What do you understand by objectoriented approach ?                                  2

(b) Name the header file, to which following built-in function belong to :               2
      (i) strcmp()                 (ii) tolower()
     (iii) sin()                      (iv) sqrt()

(c) Find the syntax error(s), if any, in the program :                                                  2

void main()
int k;
for(k<5;k=0; k++)

(d) Give the output of the following program :                                                           2

void main()
int a=9;

(e) Write the output of the following program:                                                         3

void main()
int i;

(f) Write a program in C++ to find the odd numbers between 1 to 100.                     4

2. (a) What do you understand by the term destructor in C++ ?                                 2

    (b) What do you understand by default constructor ? What is its role ?                  2

    (c) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following expression :                          2
                    S = n (n + 1) / 2

    (d) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following series :                                  4

    (e) Write a program in C++ to generate Fibonacci numbers between 1 to 100 (using constructor). 5

3. (a) Define the ‘main operations data structure’.                                                    2

    (b) Give some examples of queue-application.                                                        2

    (c) Write postfix and prefix expressions for the following expression :                   3
                        A + B – C / D

    (d) Write an algorithm to delete an element from a queue.                                   4

    (e) Write an algorithm to sort the data in ascending order using insertion sort.    5

4. (a) What is a key ? Define primary key.                                                                    2

    (b) What is normalization ? Define ‘second normal form’.                                        2

    (c) Give SQL statement to create table called employee with columns specified below :              1
             Ecode NUMBER (4)
             Ename CHAR (16)
             Salary NUMBER (7,2)

    (d) Give SQL statement to display all Employees Names whose Salary is less than 6000 from the table Employee. 1

    (e) Give SQL statement to display Ecode and Ename from the table Employee in ascending order of their Salary. 1

    (f) Give SQL statement to find the average Salary from the table Employee.          1

5. (a) Explain the following gates using truth table and circuit :                                  2
           (i) NOR                   (ii) XOR

    (b) What is an adder ? Prepare the truth table of Full Adder.                                   2

    (c) What are the basic postulates of Boolean algebra ?                                             2

    (d) Minimize the following function using a Karnaugh Map :                                    2
                      F(X,Y,Z) = Σ(4,5,6,7)

6. (a) Define :                                                                                                                2
              (a) Server                      (b) node

    (b) What is E-mail ? Write down the steps to create e-mail.                                     2

    (c) What are the different types of networks ?                                                         2

    (d) Give the full form of the following :                                                                     2
            (i) HTML                                    (ii) TCP.