Jharkhand Board Sample Paper Science Class 10th (2011) Set-1

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Jharkhand Board Sample Paper
Subject - Science
Class – X

Total No. of Questions : 24                    Time : 3 Hours                                      Full Marks : 60

General Instructions:

i. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
ii. Marks allotted to each question are printed against it.
iii. Write the answers of questions in the context of instructions given with the questions.
iv. Internal options have been given for some questions. You are to attempt only one option in such questions.
v. Question Nos. 1 to 4 of Group A and Question Nos. 17 & 18 of Group B are ‘Very short answer’ type questions. Answer these questions in one word or in one sentence each.
vi. Question Nos. 5 to 8 of Group A and Question Nos. 19 & 20 of Group B are ‘Short Answer-II’ type questions. Answer each one of these questions in 30 to 40 words.
vii. Question Nos. 9 to 14 of Group A and Question Nos. 21 to 23 of Group B are ‘Short Answer-I’ type questions. Answer these questions in 40 to 50 words each.
viii. Question Nos. 15 & 16 of Group A and Question No. 24 of Group B are ‘Long Answer’ type questions. Answer these questions in 70 words each.
ix. Draw neat and clean diagrams wherever necessary.
x. Do all the rough work on the pages given at the end of the question-cum-answerbooklet and nowhere else.

Group ‘A’ ( Physics and Chemistry)                                        40 Marks

1. What is the SI unit of potential difference ? ( Answer in one word or in one sentence )                       1

2. Write the chemical formula of quicklime. ( Answer in one word or in one sentence )                           1

3. Name the organisation which looks after the space programme in India. ( Answer in one word or in one sentence )                1

4. Write the chemical formula of methyl alcohol. ( Answer in one word or in one sentence )                    1

5. Find the power of a concave lens of focal length 2 m. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )                              2

6. What is efflorescence ? Name one compound which shows efflorescence. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )                2

7. Distinguish between natural and artificial satellites. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )                                2

8. Write the names of two metals which do not react with oxygen. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )            2
Why is sulphuric acid known as the ‘King of Chemicals’ ? ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )

9. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity by building dams on rivers. ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )      3
Mention the nature of image formed in Simple Microscope. Write the expression for its magnification. ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )

10. What is thermite reaction ? Write the chemical reaction and give one use. ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )                                        3

11. What do you mean by total internal reflection of light ? Write two conditions for it. ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )                          3

12. What is meant by denaturated alcohol ? How is it prepared ? ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )               3

13. How much current will an electric heater draw from 220 volt mains, if the resistance of the heater ( when hot ) is 50 ohms ?          3

14. Give the names of the following functional groups :                                                     3 × 1 = 3
                      (i) — CHO             (ii) —CO—             (iii) — COOH.

15. (i) What are shortcircuiting and overloading in an electric supply ? Explain.
     (ii) Illustrate the action of an electric fuse. ( Answer in about 70 words )                             5
Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion.( Answer in about 70 words )                            5

16. Name an important ore of aluminium. By which process is this ore concentrated ? How is aluminium extracted from this concentrated ore ? Give equation. ( Answer in about 70 words )                        5
Write the chemical formula of haematite. Write the chemical reactions that take place in the blast furnace for the extraction of iron from haematite. ( Answer in about 70 words )                              5

Group ‘B’ ( Biology )                                                      20 Marks

17. Write the full form of CFC. ( Answer in one word or in one sentence )                                 1

18. By what names are the Mendelian factors known which are the carriers of hereditary information ? ( Answer in one word or in one sentence ) 1

19. Write any two differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )                       2

20. What is acid rain ? Write any two harmful effects of acid rain. ( Answer in 30 to 40 words )                                       2

21. What do you understand by self-pollination and cross-pollination ? Illustrate with examples. ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )                     3

22. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Neuron. ( Description is not necessary )                        3

23. What is blood-group ? What do you understand by Universal donor and Universal acceptor ? ( Answer in 40 to 50 words )                         3

24. What do you understand by nutrition ? Explain various types of nutrition with example. ( Answer in 70 words )                                        5
In how many steps does the process of Photosynthesis take place ? Explain. ( Answer in 70 words )
