CBSE Multimedia And Web Technology Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                                    Code No. 89

                                                         MULTIMEDIA AND WEB TECHNOLOGY

Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                                   Maximum Marks : 70





1. (a) Define the term candidate key.

(b) What is the difference between text and memo data types MS-Access ?

(c) Study the following data and answer the questions that follow

                                 Table : ACCOUNT

Acc_No Cust_Name Transaction Amount Email_id
A101 Rama Withdrawal     10,000
A102 Kamla Deposit 1,501000
A103 sarita Deposit     12,000
A104 Sunita Withdrawal     36,000

(i) Suggest the datatypes that should be used for each of the fields in the above table.    2
(ii) If the Customer details have to be stored in a separate table (named CUSTOMER), then identify the two fields from the above table which should be included in the new table.    1

(d). Write the full form of MPEG.    1

(e). Write one point of difference between GIF and JPEG image formats.    2

(f). What is a layer ? Write the advantages of using layers in Flash.    2



2. Questions given below are based on Macromedia Flash :

(a). What is the meaning of timeline in Flash ?    1

(b). What is the difference between a frame and a key frame?    2

(c). What is a symbol ?    1

(d). Differentiate between shape tweening and motion tweening.    2

(e). Observe the figure given below and do as directed :


• The object on the left side shows the position and size for frame.
• The object in the middle shows the position and size for frame30.
• The object on the right side shows the position and size for frame60.
Assume that this symbol is stored in library with name char.jpg . Write the procedure and property settings for animating the above scenario.


3. Questions given below are based on HTML :

(a) What is the use of “maxlength” attribute with <input> tag in HTML ?

(b) Write the code to make the text “Hello World” italicized and to strike it through.

(c) Write the HTML code to display the following page:       8

Consider the following while writing the HTML code
Background colour of page is silver and colour is maroon and visited link colour is red.
•   Title of the page should be “Wildlife”.
•   Font for entire document is Arial.
•   Images used in the page are tiger.jpg and deer. jpg.
•   Use nested listing if required.
•   Link files used are :
       wild.htm for Wild life in the Park
       bird.htm for Bird life in the Park
•   Table border is 2px.



4. Questions given below are based on ASP :

(a) Write the difference between “” and “/” operator.    2

(b) Give the name of the built in function according to the following description    2
    (i) Is used to check if and where string 2 occurs within string1
    (ii) Returns the absolute value of number

(c) How can we include server side script in a document ?

(d) Identify which is implicit and which is explicit declaration of variables.    2
    (i)    A= 10
           A = A + 1

   (ii)    Dim A
            A= 10 

(e) Write the output of the following statements            3
     (i) Response.Write(ucase(mid(“mypage”,1,3))&“site”)
    (ii) Response.Write (instr(ltrim(“Web#technology”),“Tech”))
   (iii) Response.Write (15>8 and not 5<=3)
         (“#” represents spaces)


5. Questions given below are based on ASP :

(a) Write the difference between server and session object.

(b) Write the equivalent statement of <%=...%>.

(c) Name any two variables of Server Variables collection.

(d) Write the output of the following code

    <% @ language = “vbscript”%>
         <% option explicit %>
         <% dim numl, num2, x, y> sub change(x, y)
         end sub
         num 1 = 10
         num2 = 40
         response.write “number 1:” & num1 &“<br>”
         response.write “number “ & num2 & “<br>”
         change num 1, num2
         response.write “number 1:” & num1 &“<br>”
         response.write “number 2:” & num2 %>

(e) Write the ASP code to conduct the following opinion poll using ASP component :


6. Questions given below are based on VB Script :

(a) Differentiate between IF...THEN..ELSE and SELECT... CASE statements with the help of an example.      2

(b) Write equivalent do....while loop for the following statements without affecting the output :    2

    Dim list(5)
    For i = 5 to 0 step    -1
    If i mod 2 = 0 then
    end if

(c) Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined
    for a=1-12 step 3 c=a+b
    document. write(<br> ) loop



     Write the code to display the above form and add the vbscript to display the results as written when user enters no. of days that he has worked and wages per day and clicks on calculate button.                    4
     (Hint : Total salary is No. of days * Wages per day)


7. Following questions are based on communication and network concepts :

(a) Name any two transmission media for networking.

(b) Expand the following terms :
     (i) PPP
     (ii) FTP

(c) Write one point of difference between Hackers and Crackers.

(d) Define the terms :
     (i) Packet Switching
     (ii) OSS

(e) The Creative Mind Mangalore Organisation has set up its new Branch at Manglore for its 4 office and web based activities. It has 4 wings of building as shown in the diagram :



Approximate distances between these offices as per network survey team is as follows :

Wing X to Wing Z    40m
Wing Z to Wing Y   60 m
Wing Y to Wing X 135 m
Wing Y to Wing U   70 m
Wing X to Wing U 165 m
Wing Z to Wing U 130 m


In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in each of their offices :

Wing X 150
Wing Z 130
Wing Y 40
Wing U 15

(i) Suggest a most suitable cable layout of connections between the Wings and topology.    1
(ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. Wing) to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason with justification.    1
(iii) Suggest the placement  of the  following devices with justification
         • Repeater
         • Hub/Switch
(iv) The organisation is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with offices at Mangalore. Suggest an economic way to connect it; company is ready to compromise on speed of connectivity. Justify your answer.