UP Board Question Paper English (First) Class 12th 2011 (Set-1)

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UP Board Question Paper 2011
Subject: English (First Paper)
Class : XII
(General and Inorganic Chemistry)
(Only for Science Groups and Commercial Groups)

Time: 3 Hours                                                                    Marks: 50

1. Explain with reference to the context one of the following passages:                            4

     a) I waited for a few minutes till I was sure that no passersby could see me and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the lay for the night on the ground. with my satchel of clothing for a pillow. Nearly all night I could hear the tramp of feet over my head.

    b) There was something living and dynamic about this heritage which showed itself in ways of living and a philosophical attitude to life and its problems. Ancient India, like ancient china, was a world in itself, a culture and a civilization which gave shape to all things.

    c) If you are given to anger, worry, jealousy, are any other inharmonious state of mind and expect perfect physical health you are the expecting the impossible, you are continually sowing the seeds of disease in your mind.

2. Select one of the following passages and answer the questions that follow :

   a). Ordinarily good memory it so common that we regard a man who does not posses it as eccentric. I have heard of father who, hawing offered to take the baby out in a perambulator, was tempted by the sonny morning to pause on his journey and slip in to a public-house for a glass of beer. Leaving the perambulator outside, he disappeared through the door of the saloon bar. A little later, his wife had to do some shopping which took her past the public-house where to her horror she discovered she sleeping baby. Indignant at her husband’s behaviour, she decided to tech him a lesson. She wheeled away the perambulator, picturing to herself his terror when he would come out and find the baby gone.

    i) What is a person lacking good memory regarded as?                                                         1

    ii) What did the father do while out with the baby?                                                            1

    iii) What did the mother do when she found the baby outside the public house?              1

    iv) What did she expect about the husband’s reaction on finding the child lost?                1

b) When you talk about education, you have several aims in view; give the people, those who are taught, knowledge of the world in which they live – science, history and geography enable you to get that knowledge; you also train the people to acquire some technical skill by which they can earn a livelihood. These are still accepted the world over as the objects of education:

knowledge of the world in which you live and technical skill by which you can earn a livelihood. But what is there specific about the kind of education imparted in the institutions of our country? We have heard that the chief purpose of education in not merely the acquiring of skill or information but the initiation into a higher life, initiation into a world which transcends the world of space and time, though the latter informs and animates the former. That has been the main purpose of education.

    i) What subjects are supposed to provide the knowledge of the world we live?                               1

    ii) What are the supposed aims of education?                                                                                    1

    iii) What has been the real object of education in our country?                                                         1

    iv) What do you understand by the expression “transcends the world of Space and Time”?              1

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words each:                               2+2=4

    a) What was the cause of George’s worry in “The Ant and the Grasshopper”?

    b) What according to Nehru kept India united before the coming of the modern idea of nationalism?

    c) How does faith help to shatter the forces of evil?

4. Answer one of the following questions in not more than 150 words:                                          6

    a) How is free thinking an essential aspect of civilization? What are the necessary conditions for someone to be able to someone to be able to think freely?

    b) How women’s empowerment through education can contribute to building a nation?

5. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences selecting the mist suitable word from those given within brackets: 4X ½ =2

    a) It had been a ………….. experience but not one that I should like to repeat too often. (proud, wonderful, surprising, tingling)

    b) the……………of India is tremendous; it is obvious; it lies on the surface and any body can see it. (adversity, particularity ,diversity, uniformity)

    c) Such conditions of mind of carefully ………….by the wise man. (shunned, screened, hurled, swayed, )

    d) He went in to the whole …………affaire. (famous, infamous, well-known, well-planned )

6. Answer one of the following questions in not more than 150 words :                                    5

    a) Contrast the character of Brutus with that of Cassius.

    b) Which scan do you like most in Julius Caesar ? Give a reasoned answer.

7. Answer one of the following questions in not more than 30 words :                                        2

    a) What is the significance of Calphurnia,s dream ?

    b) Show how Brutus failed to convince the people about his deeds.

8. Answer one of the following questions in about 150 words :                                                  5

    a) Give in your one words a summery of the story ‘An Astrologer’s day’.

    b) Justify the title of the story The lost child.

9. Answer one of the following questions in about 30 words :                                                    2

    a) Why was the author very keen to have a photograph of his ‘Pen Pal’ ?

    b) Why did Sanku curse himself?

10. Explain with reference to the contest any tow of the extracts :                                        3+3=6

a) It is enthroned in the hearts
                            of kings,

It is an attribute to God himself :
And earthly power doth then show
                           likest God’s

When mercy seasons.

b) Alas! I have nor hope nor health
Nor peace within nor calm around,
Nor than content, surpassing wealth.
The sage in meditation found.

c) Ah ,love , let us be true
To one another ! for the world ,
                                      which seems

To lie before us like a land of

So various , so beautiful , so new .
Hath really neither joy, nor love ,
                                        Nor light,

Nor certitude , nor pace ,nor help;

                                        for pain;

11. Give the central idea of one of the following poems;                                      4

    a) Education of nature

    b)The true Beauty

    c) On his blindness.

12. Answer one of the following questions in about 150 words;                             4

    a) Discuss the rule of Channa in The Light of Asia – Book the third.

    b) Write in your owe the interpretation of the seven visions as given by the hermit .

13. Point the figures of speech used in any tow of the following ;                             1/2+1/2 =1

    a) The camel is the ship the desert

    b) Life is bitter sweet

    c) The daisy smiled at the morning sun .

14. Define ‘Apostrophe’ and given an example of it.                                                1/2+1/2 =1

Index UP Board Class 12th Question Papers 2011