NIOS Sample Question Papers Business Studies Class – X (2010)

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Sample Question Paper
Business Studies
(Secondary Course)

Time: Three Hours                                                                        Max. Marks: 100

Answer all the questions.

Q1) Prevention and control of environmental pollution is a /an:                                       1
          A. Economic objective of business.
          B. Social objective of business.
          C. National objective of business.
          D. Human objective of business.

Hint: B

Q2) Which of the following is not a feature of business?                                                     1
          A. Exchange of goods and service.
          B. Exchange on a regular basis.
          C. Risk and uncertainties.
          D. Work for others.

Hint: D

Q3) The maximum number of members in case of a private limited company is                   1
         A. Ten.
         B. Twelve.
         C. Fifty.
         D. Not fixed.

Hint: C

Q4) Consumers Co-operative Societies are formed to                                                           1
          A. Provide housing facilities to the members.
          B. Facilitate marketing of goods.
          C. Protect the interest of the consumers.
          D. Provide financial support to the members.

Hint: C

Q5) Post restante letters are generally retained in the post office for a period of :                1
          A. 7 days.
          B. 10 days.
          C. 14 days.
          D. 30 days.

Hint: C

Q6) Which of the following amount cannot be deposited in a public provident fund account?    1
           A. Rs 500/-.
           B. Rs. 600/-.
           C. Rs. 700/-.
           D. Rs. 750/-.

Hint: D

Q7) The shops which are owned by the same proprietor and located in different parts of the city or country are known as:               1
          A. Departmental store.
          B. Super bazar.
          C. Multiple shops.
          D. Mail order business.

Hint: C

Q8) Which of the following is not an advantage of mail order business?                                    1
         A. It required less capital.
         B. There is no risk of bad debts.
         C. It is not suitable for illiterates.
         D. Home delivery of goods is possible.

Hint: C

Q9) What happens if you affixed postal stamp of Rs. 7/- on an envelop instead of Rs. 5/- and dropped it in the letter-box?                  1
        A. The envelop will be retuned to the sender.
        B. The envelop will be delivered to the receiver.
       C. The postman will charge penalty from the receiver.
       D. The postman will not charge any penalty from the receiver.

Hint: C

Q10) Why should business be socially responsible? Give any two reasons.                               3

Q11) Give any two differences between ordinary post and registered post.                           3

Q12) What is meant by ‘Bank overdraft’?                                                                                  3

Q13) What purpose does ‘Promissory Note’ serve?                                                                   3

Q14) “Life insurance involves protection as well as investment”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reason in support of your answer.        3

Q15) State any two advantages of Departmental store.                                                             3

Q16) What is meant by Sales Promotion? Give your answer in about 30 words.                          3

Q17) You have a very limited time to buy all the goods for the marriage of your sister. Suggest any three retail trading organisation from where you can buy goods immediately
in order to save your time.                        3

Q18) State any three rights of consumers as recognised by consumer protection Act.            3

Q19) Name any three food items on the packet of which FPO mark is found.                           3

Hint: Any three of the following:
             a) Jam, b) Soft drinks, c) Pickles, d) Juice (any other correct food item)

Q20) “One must ask for a cash memo from the seller while buying a television”. Do you agree? Why?      3

Q21) Explain about transport and warehousing as auxiliaries to trade.                                     5

Q22) State the meaning of “Complaint letter”. Give any two situation in which a Complaint letter is written by the buyer.         5

Q23) “The only function of post offices is to collect, sort and deliver mails”. Do you agree? Give any two reasons in support of your answer.     5

Q24) What is meant by Bill of Exchange.Give any two points of distinction between a Bill of Exchange and a Promissory Note.           5

Q25) An organisation produces toothpaste. Which media should it choose for advertising the product and why? State any two reasons.     5

Hint: Television advertising is the best.
           Reasons (any two with brief statement)
                a) It provides opportunity to view, listen and understand the use of product.
                b) It has a log lasting impact on the minds of the prospective buyers.
                c) Wider coverage.

Q26) Give the meaning of ‘Entrepreneurship’. State any two functions of an entrepreneur.    5

Hint: Entrepreneurship is a process of identifying, developing and bringing new ideas into reality. 
           Function of an entrepreneur (Brief statement of any two):
                a) Identifying entrepreneurial opportunity
                b) Turning ideas into action
                c) Feasibility study
                d) Resourcing
                e) Setting up of the enterprise
                f) Running the enterprise
                g) Growth and development

Q27) What is meant by business? How does it differ form employment?                                     7

Q28) Give the meaning of “Sole Proprietorship”. State any five advantages of Sole Proprietorship form of business organization.   7

Q29) Describe the procedure for redressal of Consumer grievances in a consumer court.         7

Q30) What is meant by self-employment? Explain any five points of importance of self-employment.      7

Hint: Self-employment is a career in which an individual engages in some economic activities on his own to earn the livelihood.
             Any five of the following with brief explanation:
                  a) Advantage of small business
                  b) Preference over wage employment
                  c) Developing the spirit of entrepreneurship
                  d) Promotion of individualised service
                  e) Scope for creativity
                   f) Reduce the problem of unemployment.

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