ICSE Board Sample Paper Computer Application Class – X (2010) [Set-1]

ICSE Sample Paper – 2010

Class – X

Computer Application


i. This paper is divided into two Sections.

ii. Attempt all questions from Section A and any five questions from Section B.

iii. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ( ).

Section A

1. (a) Why class is called as reference datatype? Explain your view with suitable example.

(b) Why is Java considered a pure OOP language?

(c) How is the principle of polymorphism implemented in Java?

(d) What is OOP’s and define its basic concept.

(e) Write the difference between Class and Object.

2. (a) Write a code snippet to generate a Run time error and identify the error.

(b) Boolean literals are those which can have true or false value. A character literal is enclosed in a single quotes and have only one character within it. Example ‘a’.

(c) Similarity: Both are pre-tested loop.

Difference: while loop is used when number of iterations are not known in advance whereas for loop is used for a fix number of iterations.

(d) A class is called a factory of objects as it accepts data required to create an object and returns an object. It contains the information required to create objects as well as statements that describe their behaviour. It is considered as a factory because it creates objects having similar structure and behaviour.

(e) What is the difference between throw and throws?

3. (a) Write a java statement to store the vowels of the English alphabet in a single dimensional array.

(b) Write a Java statement to access the class “Triangle” in the package “Geometry” which belongs to the package ‘Mathematics”.

(c) Identify and correct the error in the following lines of code:

String s1=”hello”;

String s2=s1.reverse();


(d) Write a code segment to declare an integer array of size 5 and initialize with first five even numbers using a ‘for’ loop.

(e) What are the keywords?Can keyword used as identifier.

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