Centre for the Study of Law and Governance

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The Centre for the Study of Law and Governance adopts a multidisciplinary approach to framing research and teaching on the vexed relationship between law and governance. The study of governance, in its various forms and at different sites is central to several contemporary issues: reform of public institutions and public law; the creation and establishment of procedures and rules that lead to greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability; and the challenge of making governance more inclusive and participatory through the strengthening of democracy and civil society. The program’s interdisciplinary focus is distinctive from mainstream social science approaches to governance or law in its attempt to explore how practices of law and governance are embedded in political, economic, social and historical processes; how practices of governance are dispersed over various sites ranging from the government, bureaucracy, judiciary, community to the family; the socio-legal processes that deter or provide access to justice; and notions of govermentality, sovereignty and rights in specific politico-jural regimes.

While the Centre’s academic programme produces scholarly research on law and governance, it also seeks to translate theory into practices of governance by initiating debate, sharing research and encouraging dialogue between the academia, government, civil society and NGOs at local, national and global levels. The ongoing research by the faculty and research students, a working paper series published by CSLG, an active seminar program and annual lectures by distinguished guests mark the other activities of the Centre. CSLG offers an MPhil/PhD program as well as a direct PhD program.

For more details about the Centre and its programmes, please contact:

The Chairperson

Centre for the Study of Law and Governance

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi - 110 067

Tel: 2670 4021

Telefax: 2671 7506

Email: dir_cslg@mail.jnu.ac.in Web: http://www.jnu.ac.in/CSLG