MS-03: Economic and Social Environment Solved Old MBA Assignment 2009

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Question.1“For Management Movement to develop it is essential that there should be emphasis on participative management.” Analyze this statement in the context of present management scenario, citing examples.

For Management Movement to develop it is essential that there should be emphasis on participative management." Analyze this statement in the context of present management scenario, citing examples.

PHASE 1 ---INITIAL STAGES -lack of challenges. -lack of job satisfaction. -non driven work environment.
-lack of team unity.
-low morale
-stagnant productivity.
-clearly defined goals.
-proper feedback
-supporting work environment
-team building
-use of communication skills
-creative strategies
-improved prduction
-emphasis on performance
-thriving work environment
-team cohensiveness
-high morale
-innovative production
Participative management is a method, which gives employees responsibility, accountability, and authority over their work. The method provides simple tools for employees to improve their work performance and positively impact the bottom line. The process provides an environment to make employee needs known and creates a vehicle for improved communication between all areas of the organization. What differentiates this work is that people's recommendations are actually implemented and acted upon. People solve their own issues and feel empowered within the process of doing so. Executives and employees learn to redesign their workplace to be participative and selfmanaging. This does not mean you do away with management. People are not asked to do things that they are not capable of accomplishing. There may be training involved to improve skill sets. This does not resemble laissez-faire management in any way.

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