MS-25 : Managing Change in Organizations Assignment Questions

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MS-25 : Managing Change in Organizations

Assignment Code : 25/TMA/SEM-2/2009

Note: Answer all the Questions.

1. What is organizational culture? Describe how organizational culture change can take place? Illustrate from an organization where culture change had taken place. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

2. Explain the concept of mergers and acquisition. Describe the role of agencies in the formation of mergers and acquisitions. Illustrate the process of merger and acquisition with reference to an organization.

3. Explain the concept of intervention. Describe the interventions which have been used in an organization you are familiar with. Give reasons for using them. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

4. Why do individuals and organizations resist change? Explain instances of resistance to change in any organization you are familiar with and the effectiveness of management strategies to overcome the resistance. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

5. Discuss the major factors which are responsible for change in an organization you are familiar with and briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

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