Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla

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The Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS) is a prestigious research institute based in Shimla, India. It was set up by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 1964 and it started functioning from October 20, 1965. The building that houses the Institute was originally built as a home for Lord Dufferin, Viceroy of India from 1884 - 1888 and was called the Viceregal Lodge. It housed all the subsequent viceroys and governors general of India. The first designs for the new Viceregal residence were prepared by Captain H. H. Cole of the Royal Engineers.

The academic community of the Institute consists primarily of its Fellows. The minimum duration of a Fellowship is three months. Initially, a Fellowship is awarded for not longer than one year; however, a Fellowship may extend up to a period of three years depending on the nature of the work and progress achieved.

The Institute is administered by a Society and a Governing Body, the members of which come from varied backgrounds. A statutory Finance Committee advises the Governing body in financial matters. The Director of the Institute is assisted by a Secretary, a Deputy Secretary a Public Relations Officer and other supervisory staff.

Academic Programmes:

The ongoing academic activity of the Institute is the research being done at any given time by its Fellows. From time to time, the Institute also undertakes interdisciplinary research project on which scholars from different disciplines work as a team.
The Institute also organizes several national level seminars every year on themes of pressing contemporary relevance as well as of fundamental theoretical significance. Frequently, distinguished scholars from abroad are also invited to these seminars.

The fellows of the Institute currently focus on the following areas:

i. Humanities

  • Arts and Aesthetics
  • Comparative Study of Literature
  • Study of Religion and Philosophy.

ii. Social Sciences

  • Development Studies
  • Comparative Study of Political Institutions
  • Socio-economic and Socio-Cultural Formation in Historical Perspective.

iii. Natural and Life Sciences

  • State Policies on Science and Technology
  • Science, Technology and Development
  • Methodologies and Techniques.

Research Areas:

(a) The areas of investigation should be such as would promote interdisciplinary research.
(b) The themes of research should be those for which the initial facilities required are not too costly.
(c) The areas identified should have deep human significance.
(d) The principal areas should be those in which scholars of eminence can be attracted in the initial stages.

Contact Us:

Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Phone: 0177-2830006 (O), 0177-2831275 (R), Fax: 0177-2831389

Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Phone: 0177-2831379 (O), 0177-2831427 (R), Fax: 0177-2830628

Public Relations Officer,
Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Phone: 0177-2832930 (O), 0177-2007457 (R), Fax: 0177 2830995

Indian Institute of Advanced Study,
Rashtrapati Nivas,
Shimla 171005
Phone: 0177-2830105 (O)
