CBSE Business Data Processing Theory Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                            Code No. 180

                                                                      BUSINESS DATA PROCESSING


Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 50

All questions are compulsory.



1. Fill in the blanks :

(a) In Visual Basic, the term used for the characteristics of an object such as font, color and caption is known as_____

(b) In Excel, _____ function is used to calculate the highest value from a range of cells.

(c) _____software can speed the inventory process.

(d) The full form of MDI is _____.

(e) _____is an application software to calculate the monthly salary of employees.

(f) In Access, if the _____ is not entered for a field then the field name is taken as the label in Forms.

(g) In Visual Basic, the expression 100 mod 12 will return a value _____.

(h) The formula in cell A2 is= . On copying this formula to cell E2, E2 will have the formula_____.



2. Answer the following briefly :                                     8

(a) What is a Tool Box in Visual Basic ?

(b) What are the two ways of running a Macro in Excel ?

(c) What is Payroll ?

(d) What is a Relational Data Base ?

(e) What is “Filtering” in an Excel sheet ?

(f) What is the role of computers in Inventory Control ?

(g) Explain the term “Scope of a Variable” in Visual Basic.

(h) What is “Validation Rule” property for a field ?



3. Multiple choice questions (Justify your answer in one line)                               8

(a) Which of the following is not a type of operator in Visual Basic ?

(i) Concatenation

(ii) Comparison

(iii) Simulation

(iv) Logical


(b) Given is a Chart in Excel. Which of the following is the name of the Chart type ?


(i) Line

(ii) Column

(iii) Bar

(iv) Block


(c) Payroll taxes are the amount paid by

(i) An employee to the government

(ii) The Employer to the Employee

(iii) The Government to the Employer

(iv) The Employer to the Government


(d) In a Data Base Table, memo type fields are used for

(i) Storing alphanumeric data

(ii) Storing a large numeric value

(iii) Storing alphanumeric data which is very large

(iv) Storing a date


(e) Which of the following is an Inventory Software ?

(i) Tax Calculator

(ii) Payroll System

(iii) Report printing

(iv) Scientific Application


(f) In Visual Basic, what is the value of the variable NewResult, if

NewResult = “Hello” + 45.

(i) Hello 45

(ii) Hello+45

(iii) Error

(iv) Hello


(g) Which of the following is a chart element in Excel ?

(i) X-axis

(ii) Table

(iii) Cells

(iv) Graph


(h) The expression 15 mod 7 will return a value

(i) Error

(ii) 1

(iii) 7

(iv) 0



4. Answer the following :                                  26

(a) Given an Excel sheet below, answer the questions (i) and (ii).

  A B C D E
 2 ASHMEET 178 56 17  
 3 BINOY 167 67 18  
 4 CHAROO 156 55 16  
 5 LAKSH 187 81 19  
6 SAMAN 165 62 20  
7 SAROJ 179 76 18  
 8 ZUBIN 181 78 19  

      (i) What is the formula to be entered in D 10, if average AGE of all people is to be stored in D10 ?

      (ii) What is the range of cells to be selected, if a chart is to be prepared having NAME in X-axis and AGE in Y-axis ?

(b) Explain any two Logical operators. Give an example to illustrate.

(c) What is the need of Inventory Control in an organization ?

(d) Write down the steps to move a field from 2nd position to

position in MS-Access Table.

(e) Explain the content of a Pay-slip.

(f) What is OLE Technology ?

(g) Following is a code in VB. What is the function of the code ?

Dim MyName$, YourName$
MyName = “Raman”
Dim No As Integer
Dim Valid As Boolean
Do While Not Valid
       YourName = InputBox (“Enter Your Name”)
       If MyName <> YourName Then
              MsgBox “Invalid Name”
              No = No +1
              If No = 3 Then
                    MsgBox “Could Not guess: Quitting..”
                    Exit Do
              End If
              Valid = True
              MsgBox “Correct!!!”
End If

(h) What are Queries ? Explain in detail.

(i) What is the output of the following code in VB ?

StrString = “String No:”
For IntCtr = 5 to 15
      If IntCtr > 10 Then
                  Exit For
      MsgBox StrString & intCtr
      intCtr = IntCtr + 2
Next IntCtr


(j) Explain the steps to create a new Table in Design View.

(k) Write the sequence of steps to create a new Macro in an Excel sheet.

(l) Differentiate between Flat and Relational Data Base.

(m) Write a program in Visual Basic to print Prime numbers from 5 up to 20. [Prime numbers are numbers which are divisible by one and the number]