CBSE Business Process Outsourcing Skills Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                             Code No. 234

                                                            BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SKILLS

Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                                       Max. Marks: 60

(i)      All questions are compulsory.
(ii)     Marks for questions are indicated against each.
(iii)    Part A - Questions No.    1- 5 are Very Short Answer Questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence each.
(iv)   Part B    Questions No. 6     10 are Short Answer Questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to them should not exceed 60 words each.
(v)    Part C - Questions No. 11- 20  are Short Answer Questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them should not exceed 70 words each.
(vi)   Part D    Questions No. 21- 23 are Long Answer Questions carrying 5 marks each. Answer to them should not exceed 100 words each.



                                                                                              PART A

1. What is exception handling ?                                        1

2. What do you understand by phonetic language ?                                    1

3. What does P.A.C.T. stand for ?                                  1

4. What is a disaster ?                                    1

5. What is CTQ ?                                 1


                                                                                              PART B

6. What is the expanded form of KPO ? Why is KPO gaining  importance in India ?                        2

7. Differentiate between vowel and consonant sounds.                                2

8. What is instructor led training ?                                 2

9. Describe the process of preparing an Invoice.

10. What is benchmarking ?                           2


                                                                                                PART C

11. What skills are required to succeed in LPO job ?                           3

12. Write a short note on the importance of documentation.                           3

13. What is a syllable stress ? Explain with examples.                             3

14. What is the difference between listening and hearing ? Explain with examples.                       3

15. State a few steps that can be taken to improve customer service.                            3

16. Why is communication important ? What tips will you give to your junior colleague for improving communication ?    3

17. Explain  advantages  that  can be  gained by an organization by documenting text, video and audio files.

18. Write short notes on Process Ramp-up / Ramp-down.

19. What do you understand by standard operating procedures ? What are the key objectives that you will keep in mind while establishing. SOPs ?

20. Write short notes on (a) Transition Budget (b) Process Performance Metrics.



                                                                                                PART D

21. ‘BPO - a boon or bane for India’. Discuss.

22. What is active listening ? What points would you like to emphasize to guide somebody for active listening ?

23. You are a team leader in a BPO company. You are required to implement a new process. How will you manage the change and take steps to implement the new process ?