Cambridge student saves former Oz PM from shoe-hit

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LONDON: An angry man threw a boot at former Australian prime minister John Howard during a debate at Cambridge University, the quick-thinking student who caught the shoe said on Thursday.

Andrew Chapman, a senior officer at the Cambridge Union Society which organized the debate, described how he stepped in to stop the boot thrown by an Australian. Howard “took it amazingly well — he just brushed off the incident”, according to the 20-year-old politics student and keen cricketer.

When Howard got up to speak, the man shouted: “You make me ashamed to be Australian. Go home, racist.” A short while later, Chapman said, “he reached down to his foot, and I knew what was going to happen. I stood up, and got in between Howard and this gentlemen. He threw this boot and I caught it.” The man, whose identity remains unknown, was escorted out of the building by university security.

Source: TOI